A story about God's goodness

Hello again everyone!! Oh man, it's been a busy week! The Bethany interns got here and things got a little crazy from there. But besides all that I am doing super well and more excited than ever. Well, I just want to share with you this story that happened about 2 weeks ago.

We had a Bible study after church and we were talking about God, and if Jesus really risen from the dead. So we got into a pretty good discussion, which hardly ever happen because the girls just doesn't seem to care that much. But that week, they were, so they were asking questions and we were able to discuss things out. I personally had a breakthrough moment, on which I explain of how's Christ's resurrection should effect our life? I spoke Thai (with some Biblical terms) for 10 minutes straight without stopping, and words just came out so lively out of my mouth. I can't even believe it. The girls were also kind of in shock that I was able to speak the message so clearly to them. It was the Holy Spirit, I know that for sure.

After that, this girl who hardly ever come to the group shared that she had a prayer request. She ask that we pray for her parents. They have been fighting a lot and she really want some peace in the house. And she said all she wants is just a good dad. Then this other girl raised her hand and said, "Oh, I do, I do!" And then she started speaking, "Actually, I don't have a father. My parents were divorced when I was very little. Then I start to really wanting a father in my life. And that is when I found my Father, my very best Father who is really good. He is so good, I cannot tell you how good he is, he is the best Father I could ask for. I can let you borrow him, if you'd like."

That almost bring tears to my eyes. Don't we just have the best Father? And it's amazing to see things like this happening in the community I am working with. We are praying for each other and we are supporting each other. I believe, that God is turning the heart of the fathers to their children and the heart of the children to the fathers.

Continue your prayers, it's making a difference.


Heather Hall said…
That is so beautiful Sasha! I had tears in my eyes, because of what God is doing and because I miss you! :) May the Lord continue to fill you daily with His spirit and bless you with His goodness! Love you!
Grant Wootten said…
That is awesome, Sasha!! Michelle and I love hearing about what God is doing through and around you. We rush to the computer when you have an update. :)
Anonymous said…
Wow, got some goose pimps while reading..! Let God move through you..!
Heather: Thanks so much, and I miss you too!! Everywhere I go, I'm always reminded of you and how we had a great time together here! Love you too my dear!

Grant&Mimi: Thanks so much, I'll keep updating, and cannot wait til you guys get here!

Pyry: Thanks Pyry!! Come back here, I miss you!! Hahaha

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