Sawatdee-ka! (Hello!)

Greetings from Thailand, the land of smile.
After a week we are being here, we finally got some wi-fi in our house. Thank God for technology!
So, here is not much different than home, it's hot and humid and the food is cheap. We start learning Thai language, just some simple sentences so we're able to say hi and ask where is the bathroom (yeah, that's important).
And we went to one of the greatest Buddhist temple called Doi Suthep,and they're right on top pf the mountain. That was pretty cool. A lot of my friends are still adjusting with the Asian culture. So please pray for them.
We're on our orientation week for these two weeks, and then we're going to do language study for 12 weeks, 3 hours a day. Yep, that's gonna be a little intense, but I'm sure we're going to enjoy it.
My newsletter is coming up soon. This is my picture with my team-mates when we're up in that temple.

Kob-khun-ka! (Thank you!)
God bless you.

Beholding His glory and beauty!
In Christ's love,

Natasha C
(a.k.a Sasha)


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