So, Indiana! yeahh...

So, here I am, in Topeka, Indiana! Finally! Yeah...
I'm so excited at first. I packed all my stuff and... leave from Camp, the beautiful place and the people I loved. We left at 7 in the morning, so I kind of fall asleep on the way to Indiana. So, I fall asleep... thinking, what it's gonna look like, and how's the people... and... I slept.

But, when I got up, I look around. And ask Nicole, "Hey are we close?"
"Yeah, about 5 minutes."
So, I keep looking around... and I just couldn't believe what I've seen.
People with black dress adn white kind of hat everywhere. Walking. And I start more freaking out when I saw the horse with the buggy. Oh my goodness... where the heck are you taking me, God?!
I just couldn't believe it!!

Well, they're pretty much Amish people. I kind of heard about it before but I never thought that I actually gonna see them, more than that, be friends with them.
Let me explain what is Amish people for you who don't know. They're one coummunity that do not believe revolution. So, in their house, they don't have electricity, they don't have car (that's why the horse and buggy is everywhere.) and they dressed like that, because of what they believe.

I still shocked. Freaking out. And scare.

But then Ps. Harold told me about all this community... nothing to be scare of. They actually as same as we are but they just believe differently. So, now, everything is under control. I kind of like, "Fiuuuuh... alright! This is gonna be good. Misister to Amish people. Never thought about that, but if that's what God want me to do, I'm so ready!"

so, yeah, that's my update, so please pray for me, I'll be doing a lot of ministry with young people and children around this community. I believe this gonna be super cool! and it will be super cool testimony too.. so...

oh, by the way, this is some picture of amish community. They're looks just like that. everywhere in here. so, enjoy!!

God bless youBlessings



Anonymous said…
People should read this.

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