Season in life

Everything has a seasons…

There’s a season to laugh, there’s a season to cry

There’s a season for waiting, there’s a season to stop waiting

There’s a season to be honest, and there’s a season to lie

There’s a season to move fast, and there’s a season to just stand still

There’s a season to hold hands, there’s a season to lose their hands

There’s a season to remember, there’s a season to forget what we remembered

Seasons come, and seasons go…

There’s a season to hate somebody, but now there’s a season to love somebody

Somebody whom I know that I can’t be with.

Sometimes I just don’t understand this things.

Not that he doesn’t love me back.

But it’s all just a


"Season come and season go. Sun will shine and flowers grow.

Winter comes and my heart Yours. For You will never leave me alone."


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