I do not want to leave

hey, it' s been a while. I am so sorry that I am doing a pretty bad job of updating my blog!
but here is a new entry about what I feel and experience here living in Thailand.

I don't want to leave. It's not that I don't want to leave Thailand... but there is another reason to it. Last night I was at the youth gathering and we were singing and worshiping together. It has been a while since I go to a youth gathering like that, since our church doesn't really have a youth gathering. This is a thing that they did once a month and I was able to go this time. We were praying and gathering for a camp that will be held in Mae Jo next week and they are expecting about 5000 people will show up.
And we were worshiping God and we were singing this Thai song that I know, titled "I will love and adore (translated)". I mean, I sung this song many many times before that I memorized it in Thai. And I do love it. But last night, they were putting the English translation to it and it really speaks to me.
It kind of go like this...

"I want to meet with you Lord in every time
I want to see your face, oh my beloved
My desire is to be near you
and to gaze upon your beauty

I want to sit by the feet of Jesus
Looking at your face, my beloved
And that is today, if I can stay close with you
is better than a thousand days elsewhere

I will love and adore, and worship you
I don't want to be anywhere far from your face
I will love and adore, and worship you
Be at your presence O Lord."

And all of sudden I cannot sing. Tears falling off my cheek. My heart feels warm.

Working and doing a lot of things, sometimes makes us forget what the most important thing is. I was crying, because I now remember that there is nothing better than being in the presence of the Lord. That I would rather be there one day than a thousand days elsewhere. But in reality, sometimes I rather be somewhere else for 5 minutes than be in His presence.
Last night I was just being reminded of how we missed out when we are not constantly in his presence. And just experiencing his love that knows no end.

No, no I don't want to leave HIS PRESENCE.
I want to be near him, gaze on his face and being amazed at his beauty.


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