Greater Things are Still to be Done...

I have always love to work with young people.
So, some of you probably know that my ministry focus kind of shifted a little bit after the new year yeah? I am now full time working at the coffee shop and doing friendship evangelism with the young people in the university.
and it has been a heck of fun, I have to tell you. There is nothing better (except maybe revival broke out and people are repenting in a massive scale) than working in a coffee shops, talking and sharing stories with young people my age, making friends, play sports, hang out, and have the chance to meet teams from all around the world. Yeah, that sounds really fun isn't it??

But I have to admit again, that there is some challenges here and there. If you have received my newsletter regularly, you probably know about my struggles and prayer requests. But I just want to say it again here... that I have HOPE! and hope is not disappointing because the love of God has been poured out for us!!
There has been some significant change within the people I worked with. I have been praying for a lot of them and I can slowly see some openness and honesty towards each other.
What I want to tell you is...

Something big is starting to happen.

And God will make Himself known among the young people of Thailand. I have no doubt. And I am serious about it too, I am praying and yearning for His Kingdom to come here on earth. Oh how big of a privilege to be here and to be a part of the history making...
You know one of those feeling, when you can't contain yourselves... you want to shout out the rooftop, or jumping around, and laugh all the time, because you know that the God who calls you is faithful to do what he says he's going to do!!

Keep your prayer, saints! He is the God who hears!


Anonymous said…
[color=#99bbdd]Hello guys! I'm about going on holiday to Asia. I would like some info on[/color] [url=]Pattaya[/url] [color=#99bbdd]in[/color] [url=]Thailand[/url][color=#99bbdd]. It's a good place to go with family or I should choose another place? Thank You :-)[/color]

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