
When I say that word, that the first thing come to your mind?
Philosophically, it's the idea of being free. (Wikipedia)
Politically, it's the absence of interference with the sovereignty of an individual by the use of coercion or aggression. (I don't understand it either, it's ok)
And so many people try to define freedom through many different things. They describe it through sports, through art, music, people, songs, speech, and many others.

Since being in Thailand, I would really want to know what freedom means to Thai people. They call this land the land of free, I start searching and really want to know what freedom means to them. Because if this is the land of free, why am I seeing many slavery and people are under the chains of money trying to crawl out and screaming that they want their freedom. This is not a free country after all. And it is sad, because I think they don't even know that it is not freedom that they're getting, but a much worse slavery and much worse bondage.

So what is freedom? One poet once said...

"Freedom is,
when you can do what you like
Without ever hurting somebody

Freedom is,
when you are healthy,
Not trammelled in your bed

Freedom is,
when you are in free charge of your time
And not dominated by a watch

Freedom is,
when you can say what you think
As long as it doesn’t hurt somebody else

Freedom is,
when you can make a mistake
Without getting immediately punished for it

Freedom is,
when you can go and get milk
Whenever you want some

Freedom is,
The one thing we all want to have,
The one thing that none of us really has,
The one thing each of us defines different,
The one thing we will never have………
Freedom is…………a dream"

Sad isn't it? So will we ever got freedom? Will we ever SEE freedom? I want to look for what God and the Bible say about freedom.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36

"You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness." Romans 6:20

"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life." Romans 6:22

"because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:2

So what kind of freedom that Christ talk about here? "Free" means "not under the control or power of another." Freedom in Christ Jesus is the believer's liberty to release from all that restrains unhindered devotion to God.
It is not just the ability to make choices; it's the ability to make RIGHT choices for truth, love, purity and fullness of life.
It is never independence from God, but OBEDIENCE to the true God.
The believer's freedom comes through his death with Christ and is expressed in the new life given by God's indwelling Spirit. (NavPress89)

The problem is, for so long we understand the word freedom wrongly. If freedom means you are free from any law, it's not freedom. It's a lie. Because when you're free from human's law, and God's law, you are walking in sin and the wage of sin is death. For so long we believe the lies that the enemies tells us. We can find our freedom only from obedience in Christ.

So, embrace the true freedom that Christ set before us. Sing it, dance it, tell it, speak it, whisper it, shout it, write it, paint it, and live it.


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