Crazy Horse

So, today is my first time doing rock climbing! Yippeee!!
It was crazy fun! I was really intimidated at first because I have never done it before, even the inside and now I did it on a real cliff in Thailand. It was so much fun though! I went with the people from my church here.
So we went to San Khampaeng and there is a place called Crazy Horse, where the cliffs shaped like a crazy horse from a distance. At first I was really intimidated by the heights of the cliff. And then I saw some of the girls done it and I was thinking, "Okay, if they can do it, I can do it too. You know?" So, I keep up the courage. And they told me that this one area that we're climbing is one of the easiest.
So I tried this one cliff, and the first 4 meters was awesome. Nothing had happen, but then I was up to the point where everybody seems to have a hard time, and I just couldn't bring my self to do it. I could not find a good grip and I watched people fall from that edge 2 times already. But I was determined! So I just go for it, and in 10 seconds, I know I was going to fall, so I screamed. And I fell off, good thing I was harnessed, but I did swung and hit a tree. Just got some few scratch. Not a big deal. But the shock was a big deal.

I had to stop right there and went down. And my whole body was shaking and I was in shock. So I was calming my self down a bit after they find another easy spot to climb.

So they find this other place, that are higher but easier obstacle and more place where you can get a better grip and a foot hold. Lydia, one of the girl that came with us had never climbed before. Same as me. So she tried that one and she made it to the top! I was so proud of her. So then I tried it and it was close to the top when it got really hard. Cause you just don't want to look back and down, you just need to keep your eyes straight on the things in front of you.

I prayed and speak to my self, "Sasha, you are a strong woman. And you are going to finish this." I know that sounds silly, but I just need to hear that. And all my new friends down there just screaming encouraging words to me, telling me that I am going to make it. And I DID! Despise all the ants that crawling on my arms when I stick my hands in their holes, I was so happy!

And I mean, the view from the top is amazing! I can see the mountain, and the green land of Thailand! Oh, what an achievement!

But not just that, I did it again for the second time in the other side of the cliff. This time I was not as nervous as I was before. But my energy was kind of drench already. But I nailed it again. I just want you to know that sometimes, you don't know how much energy and strength you have until you push your self to it.

This was a lovely day. I really enjoyed it and I am sure I will do it again. :)


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Hello! :)

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