Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all!
I know I haven't give any updates in a while... It's been crazy hectic for me. There was tons of parties that I need to attend and I had a trip back home for about 2 weeks. So I am really sorry for not sending you newsletter this month and not even a greeting on Christmas day. But I figured that your inbox probably filled with that season greetings. :) but forgive me.

Things are going good. A lot of ministry even during the holiday season. It's been tiring I am not gonna lie, but it's been good too. I've been refocusing a lot these days... and doing a lot of prayer. Because some things had happen in our ministry, and all of us were taking a step back and really asked the Lord to restore us again. It's been a rough end of the year but we know that it was necessary so that we persevere towards God and his works.

I've recovered a little bit from the business, and now I feel like I am ready to do some work again. And for those of you that haven't heard, Michelle and Heather, my team mates got into a motorbike accident last week. They both are fine, but Michelle got the toe broken and Heather was scraped pretty bad. Michelle had her surgery last week too and praise God it went really smoothly, so now they both are just needed the time to recover and get back to their work pretty soon. Thanks for all who prayed.

This is a pretty short updates, but I promise I will tell more in this month's newsletter. :)
God bless!


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