
Two weeks ago, me and my family went to one of the most beautiful island in Indonesia, called Bali. It's so beautiful, the beaches, the weather and the people. I fall in love once again with that island... and we as a family had a great time together, talking and laughing and eating and diving!
And when I went back home, I always want to go back to that island... why? because there, I don't have to worry about a thing... we eat, laugh and live.
Sometimes, I thought... man, reality sucks! Why can't we live in a dream land?

I've heard once, Don Miller says, "Reality is like fine wine... little children won't like it."

I started to realize how easy it is to slip away and forget God for a moment. How easy it is to forget the cross that each of us need to bear and be rich and happy. It's not that we cannot enjoy life, but this place is not our final rest.. we will not enter his rest, until he call us home or until he returns.

Every day, each of us is facing different options and choices that we have to make.
Some is easy, some is harder than the other. But we have to. It's reality.
But as for me, I rather sleep in prison with Him, than enjoying the glamorous life without Him. How can one person live without the LOVE Himself?
This is a higher calling that we're responding to, our standard is not the world's standard. It's hard, you pay a lot of cost, but I know that this is

not just the life worth dying, this is the life worth living.


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