Healing and God's Greatness

Hello lovely people!
This season has been so full of surprises, one of them is a healing miracles that happened to me.
Ministries have been going really great with the youths, we had a sleepover together in my house, Bible study and serving with the worship team is always fun.
Here's a few pictures from the latest activities. 

Sharing at the Junior High camp

Visiting the orphanage at Mae Kha Chan

iServe event that involved more than 5000 youths in Chiang Mai

Serving in the worship team

Water baptism for one of my girls

Staff summer retreat last March

And this is the story about my miraculous healing: 
For 2 years I have a small bump in my right hand. I went to the doctor and they said that it was a cyst - a type of hand cancer which is not dangerous, but should be taken out if it grew and start hurting. I plan to do the surgery to take it out sometime soon because it had grown bigger and it started to hurt.

But one time, we had a prayer session in our youth activities and I ask for a prayer for my bump, I ask that it would be healed and that I won't have to do a surgery. I am one of the youth leaders at this group. So everyone lay hands on my hand and started to pray. I said to the Lord, "God, please do heal me miraculously, so that these youths will have faith when they pray and to show that you are still capable on doing great miraculous things through them." Amen. And no sign of it getting smaller. We moved on with life.

A week later, I was driving and for a second I started to notice that the bump has gotten smaller. I got super excited!! And so I lay my other hand on it one more time and pray that God will heal it 100%. It slowly gotten smaller day by day, I told this to my youths and they all got super excited and the continue to pray for me to received healing 100%. And today, the cyst has completely GONE and I am not ashamed to say that GOD HEALED ME!!! Through the power of prayer of His people!

I know that this may sound like "what's the big deal" to you, cyst can go away, you could've bump your hand and it burst or whatever. But the fact that it went away after they prayed, I have waited 2 years for this to happen and I truly believe that this is God, showing is POWER! So I want to say that it is a BIG deal, because things like this can happen to ordinary people like me, through ordinary people like my group. And it increases our FAITH in Him. God can use ANYONE to show His glory and to perform His miracle

To God be all the glory!

Natasha Christiani


Unknown said…
It seems you believe in miracles.
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You have done a great job. May God bless all of you.
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Ngoannguyen said…
Phòng khám phụ khoa Thiên Hòa chuyên chữa trị các phụ khoa bao gồm các bệnh viêm nhiễm phụ khoa, bệnh cổ tử cung, tử cung, bệnh buồng trứng và vô sinh hiếm muốn. Nếu có nhu câu thăm khám và điều trị bệnh. Hãy liên hệ ngay tới Phòng khám, các chuyên gia sẽ tư vấn và giải đáp mọi thông tin cụ thể.

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