Getting Ready

It's getting there... I am coming soon!
It's about one more week until I leave for Thailand for 16 months. Yep, that is coming right at me. I feel slightly unprepared, but things is starting to come together as the time getting closer.
I've enjoy this last 3 months so much, I've never liked or enjoyed my home country like I did these days... I enjoy my friends and families more than I have before. Because I know the feel of losing them for one year and now I am paying it back.
As you can imagine, it is terribly hard for me to say goodbye again.
Many of my friends saying, "Man, it feels like you're back for good. When are you gonna stay here and not leave again?"
I couldn't give an answer for that. It's all in His hands, I say.
It really does, it's all is in His hands. I am just his servant, wherever he wants me to be and wherever he is, there am I.
There are so many opportunities to serve here, there are so many needs, and yet the labors are few. There are so many connections that I have made for this past 3 months, and I can be a successful woman just in a count of months if I want. But yet, I have to leave it all and have to star all over again... like a baby.
Start learning the language, learn how to talk, how to communicate. It's all gonna be hard again. But if that is what I need, if that is what God wants for me, who am I to say no?

My prayer is simply, "But not my will, let your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven."

Please pray for me. It is not an easy journey, but I know He is all I need, and he will give me strength. He never say it's gonna be easy anyways, but He say that he will give strength.

"I just can't give up now. I come too far from where I've started. Nobody told me the road will be easy, but I know if He doesn't brought me this far to leave me."


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