Counting The Days

I’m almost there… The countdown is on.. It’s just a week left before we fly to Chiang Mai. It is exciting time for me but also busy to get everything together. Things seem to be going as planned. I will be leaving at April 24th from Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, and to Chiang Mai, Thailand. There will be five of us are going and we are excited about what God’s going to do while we all in Thailand. We will be staying at Chiang Mai until August 2010. It seems like a long time for me but I believe that it will goes by fast.

A few things I want to share with all of you:

1. God has provided 100% of my budget! He is faithful, even when I am faithless.

2. I just got my visa to Thailand without any problem! Praise Him!

3. Please pray for Thailand, they were having some issues on the capital, Bangkok, few days ago. Pray that God’s peace will rest on that nation.

4. I am finishing my preparation! Please pray that God will give me the strength and also courage for my family and friends.

5. The Lord’s safety on the trip. All of us should be arriving in Chiang Mai on Saturday, April 25th.

6. Please pray for my family and friend as I leave again for such a long time. It’s going to be a tough goodbyes for them.'

Thank you for all of you that has been partnering with me through prayer and financial contribution. I am sure the seed that you’ve sown will be many blessings to this nation. And if you still want to donate, it’s not too late! Go to and click on ways to donate. Or send checks to Bethany International (6820 Auto Club Rd, Suite J, Bloomington, MN, 55438) and put a note to my name.

I will inform you my address and number as soon as I get to Thailand. For now, contact me via e-mail in:

Pray with me!

Only a week before the start of something new…

In Christ’s love,

Natasha Christiani


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