the call and response

"at what cost, justice?"

that question was big in my head. at what cost? at what cost?

I was praying last night, about the human trafficking in the nations. We all prayed from Isaiah 42. It was a powerful time, but to be honest, I wasn't fully engaged because I was distracted with some other stuff. And I regret it.

"...In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he established justice on earth. In His law the islands will put their hope."

I was watching this rockumentary film about human trafficking, when I start ball my eyes out in the movie theater. I mean, I watch movies like that before... you know, like Invisible Child so on and so forth. But this one seems different to me. Not that any other movies doesn't break my heart, it does, but this one is arising somewhat that you called righteous anger.
Most of this was taking in the South East Asia, as like Cambodia and Thailand. Some part of India and Europe as well.

We all know that human trafficking and sex trade is the most criminal, inhuman, horrible, nastiest thing that a person could ever do. They're sucking life out a person. They're destroying their futures, their families, their whole life. This girl, let's call her Dessy have a dream to be a singer one day, to make her family proud of her and try to be somebody in this world. As she dreaming, reality hits her, she was deceived. End up in the brothels house, ripped, wrecked, ruin, destroyed.
She was bound with chains in the house. Literally.
While the pimp make tons and tons of money out of her.

These things make me cry out, "At what cost, justice?"

What happen if Dessy was your sister? Your best friend? Your daughter? Your mom?
Won't you fight for her? Won't you do something?

Human being is sold just like animals, drugs and weapons. Isn't it every human's right to live? To have dreams? To live in freedom?
"Justice is love, acting in public." someone says.

It breaks my heart. It breaks my heart more than ever. I don't know about God's heart. These human that he made, perfectly, fearfully and wonderfully. It's unbearable for me to think about God's heart. If there is one that have rights to me upset, would it be me? Or you? Or Dessy herself? Or Dessy's parents? Or God?

I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness;
I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people
and a light for the Gentiles,

to open eyes that are blind,
to free captives from prison
and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness."

Oh Lord... please come soon. And get this world straight.


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