Mind Shifting

it was just some random events.
we were gathering in my room and chatting while I'm uploading all my pictures to Facebook. You know a bunch of us, girls. And when girls gather, what they usually talk?
Guys. True that. But a lot of time, we talk about God and His work too. (I am in the Missions College, remember?)
well, this one girl was talking about the guy that she met in the market, he's Kenyan. And I was grabbing some apple pie in the fridge and I say, "I met one, and to be honest, he is quiet hot."
Nah, wait a minute. I am not a type of girl that will look Kenyan or even more general, African as a cute-being. They're more handsome and manly type. Not cute. Not really, hot.
But this one I said is quiet hot.
And the conversation roll on.
"Oh my! Have you met a Jew?"
I never met a Jew in my life, so I just keep on munching my apple pie.
And they said that Jews are hot. They were freaking out. They were freaking me out.
I don't know, I never personally met a Jew, so I don't know what to say.

But I threw a comment, that really, appearance doesn't really attract me.
Well, it doesn't mean I don't want a cute man for my life, of course I do, but it's not a big deal at all now.
Because some of those guys are completely dumb.
Sorry to say, but they are. Some of them are, big time!
I like intelligent being. That's why I love the Lord so much, because he is the top gun! He is so smart, that I have to learn all my life to know his heart and his mind.
But seriously, I like some smart guys. Guys that know what they're talking about. And know why they believe what they're believe. I don't care what they looks like, dude. If they have brain, they're hot.
Well, here, of course there's some lines about this guys and the smart brain.
Some smart guys and girls are too smart, that they lost in their own mind, and they became dumb. For example, like people that believe in evolution. They believe that there's no God.
Now that... is dumb.
I like a guy that are smart, not complicated. I like simplicity.
It can be complex but, it has to be simple. Because that simple small things that will change you.

There is a difference between faith and fact.
And I like a man of faith, not fact.

I don't really know where this really leads me into. My mind has been shifted, to the higher standard, the higher calling, I suppose.

Hmm. Enough said.


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