my "very" valentine's day

Oh, today is valentine’s day! Yay! Everybody was so happy, the girls is dressing up to meet their cute little date and have a romantic dinner with candle light.. o.. ooo… so sweet!



I don’t know, I used to care so much about valentine’s day. And, it’s just stop growing until... sometimes at the age of my life. I don’t know why though. It was weird. Because I was just thinking... mhhmm.. why people show love in valentine's day? I don't understand. Well, the story behind that is there's this guy, named Saint Valentine and he is a Romanian's high priest. In the time of Claudius Caesar rules, they hand out this rules that no guys can get married. (This dude must be out of his mind!) because he thinks, that they can be a better soldier and warrior if they don't have family. Well, that was stupid, so Saint Valentine stood up and say, "That's not Biblical, brother!"

So he bless and do marriage secretly in the church underground and stuff, and as you can guess. Yep, he got arrested. But in the prison, he was falling in love in the daughter of Claudius (I guess). So, before he died, he wrote a letter, more like a card that says this beautiful poem for that lady and he died.

And we celebrate valentine's day is for a remembrance of him. So people are starting going out at valentine's day night, to go to a romantic dinner, see some movie, and make out. That's just so wrong. I don't know.
For me, I celebrate valentine's day every day. Because I love people, I show love everyday. Not that I hate valentine's day, but some people are just missusing it. And I hate it when people do that.

So, this year, I decided just not to celebrate valentine's day, even though I wear a heart shirt. I spend my valentine's day in the Power of The Cross class with Jessica Johnson. It was about sex, and it was good stuff. And after that we had a cell group, and it was a blessing. And I worked in the kitchen for freakin' 6 hours, and I went back to the dorm to work on my paper. Yep, that was my valentine's day.

Nothing really. Special.

I wear my dark blue hoodie and grey sweat pants after that and talking with my roomate. No pink. No, no, no. We decide to do some leg scrubbing and do our nails. I need to rest, so that's really good. And yeah, that was my very valentine's day. And, yet it was the best valentine's day, ever, in my life. When I know that everyday is valentine's day between me and my God, valentine's day seems so plain because the lover of my soul has been making my days like valentine's day.

Oh how I love my God, my Lord, my Master. There's no relationship I rather be than with Him. He is mine and I am His. Every part of my being is speaking His name and my name is always in His mind day and night.

He is mine. And I am His. Nothing could ever separate us. Nothing.

Isn't it wonderful?


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