Laugh. Joy. And joyness.

Oh I love to laugh. Laugh is one of my favorite things in the world. Laughing is a gift from God. Not many people can laugh though. It's not like the kind of laugh that sounded like.. "eh heh heh heh.." with forced smile and had a tons of wrinkle in your face. It is laugh that you just can't stop it, and your stomach is getting cramp because you laugh so hard, and you are hardly breath because it was just so amazing. Laugh.
Laugh until you feel like you need to go the bathroom.
And I think that kind of laugh cannot came out with certain people. That kind of laugh will come out with your best friend, the person that you can be the way you are in the real life. Because when we laugh like that we look really og-ley but beautiful at the same time. Oh I love to laugh. Laugh is really fun. And it's a reflection of joy, and joy-ness.
If you have joy, you'll laugh, or smile at least.
Laugh is a good thing to do, you'll look younger for longer time.
I think we need to have a national laughing day, when no people allowed to be sad or not laughing or at least not smiling. Smiling to everybody, people and whatever.
Don't you think it's a good idea?
I don't know. I just being silly because I hang out with Amy and Fox too much.
I love them though.


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