"My daddy is Jesus, isn't he?"

So, last Sunday, we had a communion at EWC. And the cell group is taking a turn to serve a communion. and that day, they prepared something unusual for communion. They have a skit, about the last supper, Jesus with His disciples. And during the skit, this one little boy name Levi or something like that (don't really remember who it was), saying..

"My daddy is Jesus, isn't he? My daddy is Jesus. My daddy is Jesus."

Over and over again. So, I look back and look at this little boy. And he just looks so excited telling all this people that his daddy is is being Jesus. With smile and his bright eyes, he just so proud of his dad. But, as I heard him telling all the people... I'm wondering, is Jesus really are my daddy? or just my daddy is being a Jesus?

There's two different meaning of this words, "My daddy is Jesus."

First, just like Levi, he's been telling all this people that his earthly father is being Jesus in the skit of life.

Or second, Jesus is really is our daddy. I mean, He is. There's no ouestion about it, and we talk to him like we talk with our daddy, we kiss him every morning, give him a hug, and trust him, believe that He will give the best for us.

For me, I love my earthly father so much. I mean, if I had to choose a dad in this world, I would choose him again. He is the best father in the world, I mean, He is. He have such a sweet heart and so loving.. I would never trade him to anybody else. I love him just the way he is. And I know that he will do anything for my best. like, ANYTHING. He is my provider, my first love and someone that I can talk and trust.

But comparing to Jesus, he's not even half of it. When I was fatherless, Jesus is always there for me. He's the one that hold me tight, and said,

"I love you, buddy! We're gonna make it! Daddy knows the way home.."

No one ever take His place in my heart, not even my earthly daddy. He prove it to me, He died at the cross, just for me. And He, being my Father is the best thing in life, let me tell you, He is the best desicion I've ever made!

"My daddy is Jesus."



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