1 year mark!

Oh wow.
Yesterday was my 1 year mark here in Thailand (not counting internship). I still remember when I came in to the airport that night, the people who are suppose to pick me up waited at the wrong exit so I cannot find them. Oh, how time flies.
I have been so blessed to be here, to be doing what I am doing and to know that this is the place God wants me to be for this season. I am so grateful for every friendships I have here in Thailand, the ministry opportunities that has been given to me, the love, the community, everything. I hope I have made an impact in these people's life as much as they did to mine.
I am also grateful for every trials and circumstances that I had to face. And for every victory that God had given me, everyday I see that His grace is enough, it's abound in me. There's so many things that God taught me in this past year and each of those moments are so precious, because it's making me me more and more like him.
I am also grateful for every prayer support from each of you. You know that it means a whole lot to me. I know that even though we are far in distance, but we are near in the spirit. I am so blessed to have such wonderful brothers and sisters from all around the world.

I made a short trip back home last month. It was good to be home for a while, catch up with people, spoke my own language, ate some delicious food. And it the joy was even greater when you get to share that with other people, a few of my Thai friends and one of my American friend got to came home with me and was able to have a glimpse of how my life look like back home. It was such a sweet time together, we laughed a lot and we ate a lot. 

So here's some pictures from the past year that passed and a few from trip back home.

August 2011 -- back in Chiang Mai

August -- reunited with friends

September -- soccer competition

October -- flood in Chiang Mai

October -- Thai friends got married!

November -- Loy Krathong festival

December -- Christmas party

December -- University group goes to Doi Inthanon

January -- trip to Rayong

January -- Chiang Mai University cell group

February -- Valentine's Day program

February -- Valentine's Day program

March -- housmates gone wild :))

April -- some of my girls got baptized

May -- fall in love with little kids

June -- Emily's visit

July -- Vacation time, Sea Walking

July -- so blessed with awesome friends

July -- visiting Bali

July -- visiting Bali

July -- visiting Jakarta

July -- visiting Jakarta

August -- my parents visit to Chiang Mai


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