Why don't we desperately seek Him?

I was in the car, traveling from the south of Thailand back to Chiang Mai. It has been a long ride, we were probably 10 hours into our trip and we still have about 8 hours left. So I decided to listen to an audio book called "Radical" by David Platt. The book is about forsaking the American dream and pursuing the Lord. It doesn't seem relevant to me at that point but I decided to give it a try. And of all the things he said, one sentence really stuck to me.

"Why don't we desperately seek Him?"

I mean, when we are in need of something great, why don't we desperately seek Him? I know that it is our human nature, the constant battle that is in our mind that hinders us from seeking the Lord. But we have been redeemed and now we are being transformed in his likeness and image, we should want to seek him. Like for me personally, my heart longs for Him, I want to feel Him, touch Him and understand Him more and more. But in the reality, I'm more likely not to make an effort to actually spend some time to seek Him. My heart wants it but my flesh don't really listen to my spirit.

I have been feeling like I have been hitting a wall these past few months. I mean, I pour and pour and don't really feel like I have a real relationship with God. And that one sentence was enough to spark something in my heart. Why don't I, not just seek him for whatever reason, but DESPERATELY seek him? In a sense, I want to seek him with all my heart, I don't want anything but Him and that I must seek Him until I find him. I don't know, the term "desperate" seems so important to me right now. I think it's because I have been doing the opposite, and my heart and soul longs for something more.

A big part of it it's because we are afraid of being vulnerable. We don't really like to be in that position that much. Do you agree? It's a place where we found ourselves so weak and admit that we are not as strong as we think we are. Me as a leader here with the youths, I have to be strong. People have put their expectations in me and I need to get the job done. I need to be the one who listen and got up in the middle of the night when one of my girls call me. People have put their expectation on me, so slowly I have become what other people want me to be instead of what God wants me to be. And I am so tired of it.

So, I decided to just kind of stop whatever I am doing and really follow that small still voice in my heart. Laying everything down and being completely vulnerable before Him. It's all because I want to desperately seek Him.
From that day on, God speaks to me and giving me revelation of who he is and who I am in Him. I personally have been experiencing many breakthrough in the area of spending time with the Lord and really understanding what it means to desperately seek God. It's funny sometime of how simple it is but yet so crucial in our Christian life.

I hope this encourages you to desperately seek God.
Seek Him, and you will find Him.


Anonymous said…
thank you for this. I really agree and this encouraged me. good to hear about you!

- Pyry

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