Stepping in faith

Well hello!
I know that it has been a while since you hear any updates from me, but here I am back and ready to share about what has been happening with my life on this side of the world.
Life has been a bit tough. Well maybe not a bit, but a lot.
I know like in my past blogs and letters, I sounded really excited and full of adventures. And I am still excited, but I want to share also with you my struggles, that sometimes, storms come into your life and that we need to be reminded to keep our eyes on Jesus.  
You all are aware that I have been taking a pretty big role here with the church and have been so involved with the youths and everything. This is one of the reason why I haven't been able to write you some updates because my days and weeks has been so full and leaves me almost no time to write some updates. In the beginning when this first happen, I was so unsure about everything and seems to kind of got lost and don't really know what to do. As time pass by, I get on my feet and started to feel that God has send me for such time like this. Though I still feel like a lot of responsibilities is been pass on to me, and I don't feel ready, God is ready for me. And that is what's important.
That God is ready for me, that He is ready for us.
Even though in the mean time, it looks like a chaos, it looks like we don't seems to qualified to do such big tasks. But He who calls us know exactly what He is doing. I don't know what I am doing half of the time, the team that I am working with don't know what we are doing, so many decisions that we have to make, so many questions rises in our head and yet so little time to do it all. And in times like this, often we forget about God, forget about what He wants us to do and we are not listening to him.The past 2 weeks had been a really hard week for me. Other than some personal struggles, there was just so many things we have to decided on and that we have to re-think.
And on times like this, that mountain of impossibility gets bigger and bigger. I really start to doubt that God will do something big, and even more, that He is going to use me to do it. My hope is slowly sinking. But God is faithful! "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23) that He is not a man that He should lie, when He promise, He will do it! Therefore I won't lose hope. Though circumstances and problems may rise, I will put my hope in Christ alone. And over and over that I need to remind myself that He doesn't call me to be successful but to be faithful. If he said that he is about to bring something big to this city, then he will. My part is to be faithful to his calling.

So to end this letter, I want to ask you to please pray with me. Pray that God will strengthen all the saints here in Chiang Mai, Thailand. And that God will send His Spirit to this city, that there will be many Thai people enter the Kingdom of God. Pray for the youths, that they will rise up and take their place and fulfill the Lord's calling in their lives.

Thank you. 


Anonymous said…
one Finnish guy praying here in Buenos Aires for you and the whole nation over there!

- Pyry

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