His Faithfulness Reaches to the Sky

Hello again everyone. It is about that time of the week where I share with you things that happen around here. I attend a friend's wedding last Sunday. My co-workers Little and Dough at the church got married, it is such an exciting thing because they have been dating for about 9 years and now they are married. I am so happy for them and I know that everyone is too. It was a big celebration, over 400 people show up and I just knew that this couple is really blessed, just by seeing how people would travel 8-9 hours to just attend the wedding. So a huge warm congratulation for Pi Little and Dough!!

Now besides the wedding, there are major change happening with my ministry here. I found out last week that the person who is in charge for a lot of things in the church have resigned. It is for a good reason, I believe and I know that God is working everything for our good. So there is some major transition happens right now in our church, and I am taking more and more responsibility with the youths and also some other things. Praise the Lord that I am not alone in this. And praise the Lord that He had given me the ability to learn the language so quick, because without speaking and reading the language, there is absolutely nothing I can do. So I am getting deeper with the language and really praying that I can speak it, read and write it well. 

I was a bit stressed out when I found out about this but I know that this is the season that God has for me and I know that he is in control. He knows what I am able to do and what not, so I just need to trust that He has the BEST plan for me. And I do believe that. All this time I am following Him, and he never fails me, so why should he fail me now? I know that his faithfulness reaches to the sky and I can always, always trust in Him.

So I am actually excited for this new things happening in my life and His ministry here in Thailand. Even though I don't know what the end result might be, but He never calls me to be successful, he calls me to be faithful. What I need to do is I need to keep walking.

Please be praying for this specific situation. That I would not be afraid to step up and to be the leader hat God calls me to be.

Thank you.


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