From the Mountain...

to the valley... hear our praises rise to you.

That was a song that we sung over and over again in our church. And who ever thought that I actually get to go to the mountain and hear the praises, being raised up to the Lord. It was an amazing opportunity that I had and I am so grateful that God given me the chance to go. This is a story about a revival that happens among the Karen people, one of the hill tribes of Thailand. 
Even though I was so tired after all of the activities in the city, my Spirit was burning with curiosity about what is happening. The night we got there, I saw hundreds of youths fill this church. Some said, it could possibly be a thousand youth gather for this event. Oh I can just feel the presence of God there. It was amazing to see things like this. Here I am, in the middle of nowhere, where in some village there is not an electricity or running water yet and the spirit of the Lord is being poured out to this people.

 The camp last for three days, and in the morning, the first devotion started at 6 o'clock. It was amazing to see these young people are so hungry and thirsty for the Lord. All of the session went super. I had a chance to pray for some of them and just really soaking in what the Lord has in store for these people. It is very encouraging and such an eye opening for me, made me really realize that nothing is impossible for God to do. He reveal Himself to the simplest people group, up in the mountain and His church is expanding. It is an exciting thing, and I am so privilege to be a part of it!

On the last day, they asked the team from our church to lead worship. And they asked me to be a part of it. The preparation feels so short, good thing that they chose a familiar songs that I already knew. Even tough it was kind of sudden we were able to give our best to the Lord and more than anything, the Spirit of the Lord had led us to where He wanted. It was so amazing to be a part of it, really.

Great things are happening!
Can't you see it?
Can't you hear it?

Be a part of it by praying.


Anonymous said…
loved this one!


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