Thinking Ahead

I have been thinking that it is about time to update all of you with things that happen in this part of the world. The weather has been so hot, but then it can rain all of a sudden, so a lot of people get a flu and some people in our church caught some of that. But praise God I am staying healthy and still as great as I was yesterday.

Working has been going really well. Like I mention in my previous blog that I am currently working at Starbucks. There has been a few challenges but God is so good, He always there to give me the strength I need. I don't really like coffee to begin with but when you went to college and then work in the coffee shop, you gotta love coffee! And now I am a big fan of it. Yeah.
Someone said to me, and I forget who said to me but when they prayed for me, they got the word: Coffee.
They said that people would find coffee wherever they go. Coffee is received, accepted in all around the world. Rich or poor, no matter what race, what kind of background, what kind of culture, people drink coffee. And when you press coffee, it gives a wonderful aroma. And when you pour hot water over it, it turns the hot water into one cup of amazing drink. Coffee overcome the hot water, it change it to be something different, something more delightful. Coffee also gives you boost!
And so they prayed that I will be like coffee. Accepted in any culture, blend well, when I am pressed, I will give the aroma of Christ, when troubles come I will overcome it and turn it into something more delightful, and give people around me a boost!
That is pretty cool! And now look, I am have been working my calling and it involves people and coffee. What a wonderful and creative God I serve!

Now about the thinking ahead part. Thailand is my next destination. Early August is my departure date. Am I excited? You have no idea.
Just wait for my next update and newsletter. :)

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it.


Sue Prins said…
nice blog sasha! Bless you!

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