
Hello again. A quick updates from me!
Well I got accepted at Starbucks nearby. It is very close to my house and I have been working for the past week. And I am loving it! If you know me, you know how much I love meeting people, being active and making coffee. Yes, coffee. I have been converted to be a coffee lover, and I also drink it black sometimes.
But anyways, because of that life has been busy and tiring. I worked 9 hours a day, 5 days a week with a salary less than 200$/month. And I am super thankful. I know that sounded really small to some of you but, let me share with you one thing about this job.

Status is a very big thing around here. And me, being educated overseas and had a lot of experience with languages and people have a pretty high status. So it is kind of surprising for a lot of people that I would go and work at a coffee place. I can get so much more than that... and around here, people kind of look down to people who work like this because you have to wipe down table, throw trash, and serve people. A person with an education background like me should not work like that. I can get an office job, better salary, better environments and things like that. But I really feel like this is a door that God has opened for me.

I got the job in within 3 days and the location is only 15 minutes from my house (trust me, in Jakarta, that is super close). And when I got there, I just knew that this is the right thing to do. I met a lot of new friends there, and they are very fun to work with and the job seems lighter with their helps. I learned pretty quick and I have been enjoying every minute of it! And plus I got free coffees and treats! haha

But one day when I think about what my friends said and what my parent's friend said about me, I kind of feel embarrassed. I mean, I know this is right but sometime people's opinion can brought you down. But then God reminded me of a verse,

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!" (Phil.2:5-8)

that is the verse He gave me over and over before I came home. And that is exactly what he wants me to do! He, who is the very nature is GOD did not even consider himself, then who am I to boast about my education or family background? I am here to serve him and to obey his command. There are a lot of my co-workers who are not a believer and I am there to share the love, to be the light for them and to glorify His name in everywhere I go and in everything I do! Oh I am even more excited now... new things He has prepared for me and I am ready to move!


Molly Wiard said…
Humility is a HUGE thing to learn. Something we work on most of our life. It is learned through experiences, I would say you are on the right track. Don't let others words discourage you just listen to God and he will direct your path.

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