
Hello, just some quick updates.
My parents was here last weekend and we had a blast!! Seriously it was a great blessings to see them again and for them to be able to see what I am doing here in the field and be able to bring a glimpse of home to me.
Ohh... just realizing how blessed I am to have parents like them.
They love the Lord, so so much and they bring not just love but also encouragement and support. I know it is very hard for them to see me being away from home, but I appreciate their hearts that are obedience to the Lord.
We went up to the temple up in the mountain for fun, but they were all praying and speaking prophetically for the city. They love this city! And that of it self, speak a lot for me. It speaks more than just "I love you" or "We are proud if you", it speaks to me that they are putting God as their priority and really loving the very thing I love, the very thing God loves.

Again I say, I am so blessed to have parents like them. To be able to grow up in this family and to be taught under Godly teaching and guidance.
Sometimes I forget of how precious they are to me.

Oh mom, dad, thanks for everything. I love you.


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