Simple Life

So, if you have been on my Facebook page lately, you might find that I just posted a bunch of pictures from the village. It is quite a shame that I don't know what is the name of the village. But anyways, let's move on.
So we drove about 3 hours North-East of Chiang Mai to get to the village. At first, I was thinking you know... the village, no electricity, cold bath with a bucket, no toilet paper, hot and hard mattress, yeah no. It was actually a pretty good shaped village (I couldn't find a better word to describe it), I had a house with western bathroom in it and yeah, a mattress in the floor, but it was pretty nice actually.

Well, first night was fun, we didn't do a lot of stuff, and most people there went to bed at like 8 o'clock, so we kind of go with it. But we wake up at 6 am to go to the market, and eat breakfast at 7 in the morning. And I am not talking about small nice breakfast, you know. It was a serious breakfast... it was sticky rice (every morning), spicy fish tom yum, stir fried bamboo and many other things. It was heavy, I can feel it.

I even had a chance to try an ell curry. It was tasty, but not really my favorite, because you have to spit the bone at the end.

Anyways, the next day, we helped them pull weeds in the fields. Now that was fun, it was hot so our host was worry about us getting dark, so they gave us this straw hat to wear. It was actually nice. I wore it the whole time. :)
And we played with a bunch of kids, most of them are around because of school break, so that was kind of fun. Amazingly, the stick to us like a leech. haha. In a good way, they were all so precious and just wanting to be touched.
We also helped cutting garlic. They have total of 250 ton dried garlic, that are ready to be cut and to be sell in to the market. I did that for total 2 and half hour, and I really want a back massage afterwards.

Well, I was really grateful that I know a little bit of Thai myself, so that I can help translate for the team and talk with the kids. We played games, running around, eat candy, take pictures and just enjoy being alive. We laugh a lot.

For the last night, we had a small gathering to bless the local people. It was nice, they asked me to sing in my language and that was a personal blessing for me. And after that, we shared the Gospel with them using the coconut and some other element that are significant for this people, and I really-really prayed that they will understand the meaning. If not now, maybe later. And we all had a great time fellowshipping, singing and laughing together. It doesn't matter what you are a foreigner, Indonesian, the hilltribe, Thai people, Korean, we all get along and enjoying God's creation.

It was a very good cultural experience for me personally. The love for Thai people really grow in my heart more and more.

Please keep praying that these people in this village can know the Lord, because they all are such a great and genuine people to be around. They serve you, they love you and they really need Jesus.

Ok, thanks for reading and enjoy the pictures. :)



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