
I had a meeting the other day with the ministry that I joined with, and as we share our hearts and what are we thankful for, and this one girl, a good friend of mine says...

"I give thanks to the Lord for giving me a lot of strength. I thank Him for saying "YES" when I always say "NO" to his calling. I thank God that he trusted me enough and know that I am gonna finish this race."

And that really encourages me a lot. I mean, how many times people gave up on the mission field or failed on their ministry? I thank God that he say YES and he knows that I am gonna finish this race with him, and it's gonna be glorious. I mean, of course the glory go to HIM, but I get to be a part of bringing the most glory to Him, that is an honor.

I have been somewhat successfully made some good Thai friends from the church and some people from the bars and stuff. But I know that this is not the end, I am not even close to the end, this is just a beginning of everything. Doors are opening, He is on the move. He is saying YES for revival, YES for justice for the people who are oppressed, YES for the healing to the brokenhearted. Even though a lot of time I say no, because it is hard and inconvenient. He is good and He say YES!

And one thing, He is not looking for a professionals, he is looking for His lover, His beloved. The one that are intentionally come to him and listen to him.
Despise all the ministry and the work that I've had here so far, I have been experiencing God more than ever, he is good. I know that I know that I KNOW that I cannot live one day, one minute without him. He is the reason for me to be here and He is going to be my rewards. I don't want anything else but him.

Thanks for reading.
I will post more stuff as days goes on.

God bless!
P.S The picture above is me and my teammates celebrating our friends birthday, Wanpen and Jenny.


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