the night market

I have been really busy this last few days and I haven't been processed a lot of things that happened. I am kind of frustrated a bit, but I think it's a normal thing to have when you are in another country and live with a bunch of westerners, so it's like a double culture-shock.
Praise God that His grace is sufficient for me!
Anyways, last night I went to the Night Market, which is a really popular thing here in Chiang Mai, I mean tourist, and people are just sucked in to that place, because they sell pretty and cheap stuff. Anyways, this is my second time going to that place, not a very great place to be I have to say, since there's a lot of bars and "karaoke" where the women are all outside and wait for men to pick them up. Very sad picture.
It never got to into me before and I am not sure why is that. But I've seen many-many woman with a man that are not their husband, and I feel like it's a reality and getting all emotional about it is not going to change anything, it's a sad reality but I am not so sure how to respond to that view. So, I stand abstain.
Until last night...
There is this old man (around early 60's) and he was with a girl, around 16-17 years old in the night market, and they were holding hands. I couldn't see them very clear before because they stand next to me, but I can see in the corner of my eye that he was kissing that girl forehead. As if she was his daughter. And they walk across the road, so now I can see them both very clear. He grab the girl's hand and kiss her hand and look at her, lustfully. She gave him a weak smile. It's almost occur to me that he was saying, "It's going to be okay, I love you." and this girl was saying, "That is not love, sir. But I do whatever you want."

I was burnt up with a righteous anger. How could a person do such thing? If he is married, I wonder what it feels like to have his own daughter or granddaughter being forced to sleep with his friends. Just the thought of it makes me want to punch something. Heartless, cold, immoral, inhuman! How could you do that?!
I never get so angry with this thing, I was angry before, but this time I am burning with anger. I could've just snatch her from him and take her away with me. This cause me to pray even more for God's justice to be extend in this place. This is a human being that we're talking about, they live under the oppressions, without ever knowing that there is One person who gave his life so that they can receive freedom.

Please pray with me, that God will extend his justice in this place and that we're able to be a part of making a history of this nation.


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