The new vibe

It is almost fall. Oh my, times fly by so quick. It's unbelievable.
As the new August freshmen enter in, i have been doing tons and tons of work in the kitchen because we are short handed. But it's been great, learning about endurance, and patience. God has been teaching me a lot about that.
But I have good news, the new students are here. Yay! I am super excited about them coming in and get to know them as I know my classmates. There are 53 of them and they all are super cool!
I love them to pieces...
Despise all the hectic and chaotic-ness, I have been enjoying being my own self.
I feel I have been come to my own life and enjoying life as I giving thanks to the Lord, each day.
I have been talking with some of the new girls (and guys too), and just casting out vision to them. It's been challenging and exciting! I feel like this is how I live my life. Meeting new people, get to know them, share Jesus with them, even they all are Christians.
But I just enjoy laughing and being overflow with joy every day, ever since this new class came. I don't really know why, but I just am.
I remember the Lord been telling me, that He just want me to live, live my life.
That doesn't sound too hard isn't it? But most of the time it is.
Just to live a godly life, that Christ has prepared for us is not easy things to do. It's fun and fulfilling, yeah, but to get to that point, there is some prize that we need to pay first. And let me tell ya, those things are not easy to pay.
But he'll get you through it.

Well, I am pretty exhausted now. After all the work and the "hanging out" socializing times I had. I need my pillow and blanket right now.
So, I think that's good for now. Will continue later.


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