I was sick, and He healed me

As for me I was bound to my transgression
I was bound to my sin bound to condemnation
As for me I was an object of His wrath
Fully deserving of death, fully deserving of death

You saw me there because of your great love
You saw me there because your rich in mercy

You made me alive when I was dead
You raised me up and seated me with Christ
It's by your grace that I am saved
It is through faith, is the very gift of life

Eternally, I've been bought with blood
There will never be another sacrifice

What can I say? This song say everything about my life. That I have been bound to my sin, and I was bound to condemnation. But Romans 8 said that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. The more I know Him, the more I know that He is rich in mercy and He is slow to anger. He is so merciful and abundant in love. I know I don't deserve Him, it seems like I receive His forgiveness and I throw that back oh His face whenever I sin again.

Is it possible for man, to be free from sin?

I don't know the answer. But for every sin, on him was lay, on the cross. Every single one of them. Sometimes I can't even forgive my self but He forgave me. We don't have to be perfect to come to Him, but once we know His mercy and a glimpse of His grace, we wouldn't dare or want to disappoint Him. Every sins is a mistake, is an accident.
I made a lot of mistakes, I really do. One thing that we all ought to do is discipline ourself to be led by the spirit and not by the flesh.


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