Be a Part Of History Making
When I was little, my mom always taught me that one day I'm going to be a history maker. I was still in the elementary school and my mom started a "Cell Group" every Wednesday for young kids like me, and my brother. We will have our friends come with us, and we will meet under the table in one this big house. It was okay, I was really young... what can I say? One thing that I enjoy is the pizza and candies afterwards.
But, surprisingly, after a year or two, the member grow rapidly from 5 to around a hundred kids. And the majority of them are my class-mate, or school-mate. It was amazing. All of a sudden, the room are jammed pack with kids my age and we will sing praise songs and we split according to our age, to receive the word of God and pray together. It was fun!
Since a lot of people having trouble coming on Wednesday, they move it to Friday. As the result, more kids coming. I am not talking about kids that grow in Christian home, I am talking about kids that never encounter with Christianity before, and some of them, witness to their parents and their parents start going to church.
It keeps growing, we had more volunteers and I remember we're buying a BUS, because we can't pick them up with vans anymore, they're too many! It was so exciting!
If I can say, my mom is the most influence person in my life. She taught me tons about the Word and the truth, she is not ashamed of the Gospel and I can she that in her daily life. She the one that taught all of us, "Be a history maker!" I even remember having a retreat with "I am a History Maker" as a theme.
She is my teacher. And one thing that I can never forget is she always believe that me and my generation will be the history maker. She prayed over us, and prophesy, she is totally convinced that one day, we will make a history.
And if I see my self right where I'm at right now. I cannot believe it! I mean, how can it be possible, a small stupid me, having a slightest opportunity to be a history maker. C'mon! I am not born yesterday.. I know what kind of world we're living. But my mom taught me how to dream, she never give up on me. She knew that I can, if I want to.
Right now, I am shaping the history of my own country. With my other fellows, my generation and I know that God never waste a dream. Nobody can see what I am doing, but I know I am a part of a history making of my country, and if God wants, of any other country.
But, surprisingly, after a year or two, the member grow rapidly from 5 to around a hundred kids. And the majority of them are my class-mate, or school-mate. It was amazing. All of a sudden, the room are jammed pack with kids my age and we will sing praise songs and we split according to our age, to receive the word of God and pray together. It was fun!
Since a lot of people having trouble coming on Wednesday, they move it to Friday. As the result, more kids coming. I am not talking about kids that grow in Christian home, I am talking about kids that never encounter with Christianity before, and some of them, witness to their parents and their parents start going to church.
It keeps growing, we had more volunteers and I remember we're buying a BUS, because we can't pick them up with vans anymore, they're too many! It was so exciting!
If I can say, my mom is the most influence person in my life. She taught me tons about the Word and the truth, she is not ashamed of the Gospel and I can she that in her daily life. She the one that taught all of us, "Be a history maker!" I even remember having a retreat with "I am a History Maker" as a theme.
She is my teacher. And one thing that I can never forget is she always believe that me and my generation will be the history maker. She prayed over us, and prophesy, she is totally convinced that one day, we will make a history.
And if I see my self right where I'm at right now. I cannot believe it! I mean, how can it be possible, a small stupid me, having a slightest opportunity to be a history maker. C'mon! I am not born yesterday.. I know what kind of world we're living. But my mom taught me how to dream, she never give up on me. She knew that I can, if I want to.
Right now, I am shaping the history of my own country. With my other fellows, my generation and I know that God never waste a dream. Nobody can see what I am doing, but I know I am a part of a history making of my country, and if God wants, of any other country.