It is the storm that makes me know who I am

It is the storm that made me who I am right now. It was thundering, the storm was a reality for me. I couldn't see anything else besides the tree that shaking, the roaring thunder and the lightning. It was dark, it was really dark.
The water start coming to my face and it was cold. I was shivering. My hair was soaking wet. And the water was just pouring out from the sky.
And I cried out loud, "Father! Where are you?"
He didn't answer me. I couldn't see Him anywhere. It was again, the reality for me.
I was scared, I see nothing but the storm. The trees shaking really hard and the thunder is roaring again.
I cried. I scream on top of my lounge.
It still raining. And as a thunder rolls, I barely hear, He whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you..."
And after that, all I know is I was on my Father's chest. I am His and He is mine.

If there were no storms, there's no me right now. I've been learning a lot, I've been falling a lot but again, I got up, my God never taught me to give up. My God never taught me to quit.

I know this song is kind of random, but I really enjoy the lyrics. It sings by Petra, long time a go. Read through and tell me what you think about it.

"I wonder how it makes You feel when the prodigal won't come home
I wonder how it makes You feel when he'd rather be on his own
I wonder what it's like for You when a lamb has gone astray
I wonder what it's like for You when Your children disobey

It must be like another thorn stuck in your brow
It must be like another close friend's broken vow
It must be like another nail right through Your wrist
It must be just like, just like Judas' kiss

I wonder how it makes You feel when no one seeks Your face
I wonder how it makes You feel when they give up in the race
I wonder what it's like for You when they willingly disobey
I wonder what it's like for You when they willingly walk away

It must be like another thorn stuck in Your brow It must
be like another close friend's broken vow It must
be like another nail right through Your wrist It
must be just like, just like Judas' kiss"


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