Oh hey September!

Hey everyone. You know when you have one of  those month that you are just non-stop doing stuff... yeah, I am having one of those right now. It has been so full and yet so fun, I know I have not been good in keeping you updated but I am going to try harder from now on :)
Things has been really good around here. The ministry with the youth is growing and there has been a few more doors has been opened for me. I seriously cannot even begin to tell you of how God is really up to something really big in this city. We are in the middle of 40 days prayer and fasting as a church, praying and interceding for the city and the country. There's something changing in the spiritual realm, as well as in the physical realm.
We did an engineer student camp for 3 days. The church has been doing this for many years, but this year they feel like the are most successful. The response was amazing, the testimonies of the students was very powerful and we get to share life with them. It left me really tired the next day, but I am still so amazed of how God works everything for His glory. There were 6 guys and 1 girl who participate and we had a blast! I am really thankful with the language ability that God has given me, really, without it, I won't be leading this group of people. He doesn't call the qualified, but he qualified the call.

Young people just energize me! And I absolutely love working with them.
I have been teaching Bahasa Indonesia in the Faculty of Pharmacy again this month. They asked me to do it again, this time the open the class to the students. And I have around 16 students studying not just Indonesian language but also some Indonesian culture that I shared with them. They all are very fun and excited to study the language. And I am now teaching 4 hours a week, which is not too much but I am glad that this only going to last me a month.

So yes, life is always fun and busy on this part of the world. But I am so grateful that my mom, grandmas and aunts was able to come for a visit last week. It was really good to have them and to show them around the city where I live.

We have a lot of things coming up this season, and I know that this next months is going to be a busy month as well. Keep me in your prayer. Here's a few things you can pray for:

1. That I stay healthy physically, emotionally and spiritualy.
2. We are planning to do a youth camp this coming month, pray that a lot people will be able to come and experience God.
3. Future plans
4. I am thinking of buying a car for the ministry that I do, because things have gotten pretty hard when we need to go somewhere as a group and to transport stuff to one place to the other
5. Pray that God will move in this city, in His time

thank you so much for being a great partner in ministry. I do believe in the power of prayer. And if you would like to make special donation or ask for prayer request, or just to say hi to me, please do! Email me on nat45ha@hotmail.com I love hearing from you.

Natasha (Sasha)


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