A Christmas to Remember

Merry Christmas to all of you brothers and sisters around the world!!
This year's Christmas is very different and exciting for me. So many things I did, and the fun and the joy of giving really overflows my heart. There is really not a moment when I cannot feel the love, this season is such a great time to share the love and the joy. Wherever I go, I see smiley faces. Though I am not with my biological family for this Christmas, God has provided me with a great family from over here.
For the Christmas Eve, me and a bunch of friends from our group at church decorated the youth room and decorated a Christmas tree. And for the Christmas day, we did an all day activities. Played games, did a gift exchange, prayed together, and on the evening they all came to my house and had dinner together. That was a wonderful time we spend together. After dinner, we spent some time going around and give thanks to the Lord that He has given us a "family". A lot of them had felt like this group is falling apart, and that they feel like they don't want to come anymore. But this year is different, they felt that sense of family. They even said, now we are together as a family having a good time, but just remember even in bad times, we are still family and we will always have each other.
I seriously shed a few tears, when I shared with them how grateful I am to have them in my life. I never thought that God has all of these in mind when He told me to come to Thailand. I am so blessed. I have a lot more stories to come next. But I hope that you also had a great Christmas. May the joy of the Lord fills your heart, now and on to the new season God has for you.

Merry Christmas!


Jenelle Edwards said…
Good my darling, continue to allow the Lord to use you in different way. Your amazing and i know that you are blessed love mama

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