Home Sweet Home...

This is kind of crazy because I haven't been home for so long and now finally I am home. Not too much change, really, besides all my nieces and cousins have grown a lot without me.
But I am happy, yes I am.
Things kind of get a little out of control lately... not too busy, but overwhelming.
There is a lot of ministries to do here and I want to spend time with my family and I have to do fund raising plus my Hebrews class online, that kind of overwhelmed me.
I had this mixed feelings about everything... you know, old friends, new friends, families, vacation... all that great stuff, but yet, I felt like something inside me has changed.

I am not the person I used to some years ago.

It's a good change, I can feel it. But it feels weird to be here and I have to keep telling my self, "This is home... this is home." Maybe it's because I've been out from home for so long that I forget how's it felt to be home and save.
God has taught me a lot, he teach me to know and be discerning about the time and the season. There is a time for everything...

There is a time for me to rest, to be with my family and not worry about anything else.
There is a time for me to work, get my fund raising going and make some phone calls, create a newsletters and stuff like that.
There is a time to talk and hag out with friends.
There is a time to sleep.
There is a time study the book of Hebrews and get my homework done.
There is a time to be quieted and enjoy His presence.
There is a time for everything.

Here, I learn to really take it one day at the time and not to worry about things that I should not be worry about. It's not a very easy thing to do, but that's how we live.
Just live for Him and not worry. It feels great!

My prayer is that you take it one day at the time with Jesus and don't worry about everything.
He know what he's doing...


Anonymous said…
Hey Sasha! It's great to hear how you're doing and how it's going at home! I am praying for you as you adjust and as you continue with support raising. We all have big walls to climb with fund-raising, but we "can do ALL things"!!! Love you and can't wait to see you in THAILAND!!!

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