Brand New Begining

Well, a lot of people say, "Yeah, 2008 is the year of a new beginning!" But for me, it really are a new begining. I'm not even joke about it..
Let's see, I've past a lot of things on 2007. Whew, not sure where to start. It's just too much. ha-ha
Maybe I'll start with my life, it's been changing in the year of 2007. I've been to Zambia, and Trinidad, and the US and yeah, pretty much that. God's been so awesome that I couldn't even tell what He has done in my life. Everything is just so.. so wonderful! I do plenty of ministry, plenty enough to sometimes makes me exhausted, even bone-tired! Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna crushed or something because I am so tired. I took every ounce of my being to serve God, believe me, but I did past through that stuff. It's been amazing, amazing time that it ever been serving my Master.
Well, it's sounds maybe like I'm great, doing all this stuff. Eventually, a lot of people told me that, "Oh, sasha you are so cool. I wish I can be like you." Oh, trust me, you don't wanna be me. I am just as same as you are, simple human being that eat and drink, up and down every time and it's just because of His grace I'm survived. If not, I maybe give for a long long time ago.
Oh, I get this comment too, " What the heck are you doing? You are wasting your time not going to college?" Well, this is the heck that I am doing and if you want to say it as a waste of time, go for it. It better to waste your time in something that produce something in eternity, rather than doing something for this sick old world. Because in fact, that we all waste our time. Doing school that we don't want to do, doing job that we hate. So, if everything is waste of time, I want to waste my time doing what I like, and studying what I like to study, like, word of God.
So yeah, this beginning of 2008, I finally decide to go to Bethany College of Mission in Bloomington, Minnesota. Because it's sounds like fun. Yeah? and I believe that this is what God want me to do. Other than that, there is no stinkin' way that I can study overseas. So, like I said, He is awesome.
But there's a few things that hold me back while I'm here. Like I said, everything new, everything great, I love it. But there's this certain feeling that bother me every time I remember. I have some issue with guys and girls type of relationship, guys, so it's a lil bit difficult in this area. But I've been trying to not focus on that. Just before I left, I made a huge mess in my life, and maybe someone's life too.
I cried a lot and I try to stand still for my family and friends too. (it's rough for them to let me go, for a long time period, I believe) But, like I said, I am so ready for something new, something awesome that waiting for me this year and I don't want to miss that. That's why I don't want to hold on to my past, because God will do an absolutely brand new thing.
So, I am letting go the things that hold me back. I took off some stuff that attached to my body, and saying, "God, I am ready, use me." Because if I keep wearing that stuff I will never forget. Not that I will forget the person or anything, but it's just a dedication that I will do a new things and not dwell on my past and sobbing like a spoiled little girl.
So, for you that feel left but not forgotten, please forgive me. It's all my fault, again, I'm really sorry. You told me to not to, but I insist because I need your forgiveness. Forgive me, and let me go. I am ready for something new, and I hope you do too. You are a very good friend of mine and nothing could ever change that. But at least for now, I gotta go my own way and do my things. Thanks.


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