Healing and God's Greatness

Hello lovely people! This season has been so full of surprises, one of them is a healing miracles that happened to me. Ministries have been going really great with the youths, we had a sleepover together in my house, Bible study and serving with the worship team is always fun. Here's a few pictures from the latest activities. Sharing at the Junior High camp Visiting the orphanage at Mae Kha Chan iServe event that involved more than 5000 youths in Chiang Mai Serving in the worship team Water baptism for one of my girls Staff summer retreat last March And this is the story about my miraculous healing: For 2 years I have a small bump in my right hand. I went to the doctor and they said that it was a cyst - a type of hand cancer which is not dangerous, but should be taken out if it grew and start hurting. I plan to do the surgery to take it out sometime soon because it had grown bigger and it started to hurt. But one tim...