On The Move

Wow, time does fly! I feel like this month have passed by even faster than the months before. I hope you are all doing great and if some of you are in the East Coast, I really hope that you and your family are okay and that I am praying for a quick recovery. This month's highlight would be the camps!! Earlier this month, the junior high group had their camp and they asked me if I can come and help with devotion and take them out for running in the morning. Oh man, don't we have fun... just imagine about 25 junior highers in one place, without their parents. Yeah, it was crazy fun! I had the chance to share about my life and the ministry I am doing here. I was able to share and speak into their lives, letting them know that God can use each one of them like He uses me. It was such a sweet ministering time to this kids. I am so blessed and privileged to be able to teach and give input to these people's life. A week after the junior high camp, my youth group, JFJ...