Showing posts from November, 2008
I don't want to be offended
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I never realize until I learn and study more about God. He is not a god of formula and matrix. Yes, he partially using formula and matrix but He is the God of relationship. Can we put relationship in formula? Relationship with formula is not relationship. How often we put Him in a box and in a sense, treat Him like a Genie or Santa Clause? It's the stupidity of humanity. It's never about formula, it's never about steps, it's all about the wedding to come. It's all about the God who is a lover. LOVER. And He is jealous for His bride. It's crazy. I mean, why would he? He create us not because He was lonely and need companionship. The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit was perfect. From eternity to eternity, they lack nothing. There is no reason for Him to create us but love. Even more so, He send His only Son to die for us. Insanity. We often mention the words, "I love you" too often. Too often until we forget the true meaning behind it. Love is a myste...