Running and Dancing in the Rain

Today was a pretty gloomy and gray day. I was so bummed by the fact that the sun didn't show up today. and I was so tired, after 5 hours of class and 2 hours work, I just want to crash in my bed, you know. But, it's raining. and it was a heavy rain, with thunder. The sky turn so black and the rain was just pouring out from heaven. It's been a while that I really wanna do this. You know. Dancing and running in the rain. It sounds weird but, I really wanna do it. So I did. Oh man... I went to the football field, and I ran and sing and dance like crazy. I enjoy the Lord so much. And I sang, "Open the flood gates of heaven... let it rain.. let it rain.." I raise up my hands and my heart worshiped Him. "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty.." I feel free. Freedom. To express my self. It was the nature, the creation reveal the creator. It's such a marvelous thing. I sang with rain as an instrumental, the harmony that created from raindrops in the benc...