I remember those days..

ah, it was in the chapel room today... I fall asleep. Oh I was so tired though.. but that's not what I wanna talk about. I saw these kids coming in, it was Jeremy Johnson's kids.. aww, they're so cute. but what remind me is.. I remember those days, when I was a child.. my parents used to took me to church when they had prayer meeting or something. I don't understand a thing that happened in the church. I was wearing pajamas, it was so comfy. When people pray.. I will just running, back and forward, twirling, spin around, laugh at myself, talk to myself and when I'm tired I will be just cuddling in the feet of my mom and fall asleep. I don't understand a thing, I know nothing, nothing about church. All I know, church is fun.. there's people and I can play. Just going through my childhood, made me sad. Eh, sort of. Because now I understand church, whatever happen. The politics, the performance, the structure, the liturgy, and all that stuff. When I was a child...