I am going home...

Home. Oh.. home. It's been six months since I've been away from home. I miss home. Everybody miss home. Mom and dad, brother and sister, granny and poppy, the faces that you grow up with. The smell of the nasty water, the language, the food, and the hot humid weather. hmmm... Home, I miss home. It's feels so long, long journey that I've been in. I even forgot how to speak my own language. I don't know what my family looks like, (well, I still remember their faces but of course they're changed), and I don't know what my friends all look like. Are they still remember me? Are everything still gonna be the same or not? Are they changed? Am I changed? Everything's gonna be so different.... But I am excited for it. Really excited! What I was thinking is.. am I gonna bring a change to my community at home? It's been such an amazing 6 months. I've learn a lot, gain a lot and lose a lot too. It's physically rough summer, and I am spiritually tired too...